Month: December 2020

Tech Term – CPU

Stands for “Central Processing Unit.” This is the pretty much the brain of your computer. It processes everything from basic instructions to complex functions. Any time something needs to be computed, it gets sent to the CPU. Every day, it’s compute this, compute that — you’d think the CPU would need a break after awhile. […]

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Computer Lingo

Have you heard the terms “Gigabyte” and “RAM” ? Below we will go over some of the technical terms that are used when describing computer components: [catlist name=”technology”]

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Am I Infected?

Below we will outline several common viruses and the symptoms that you may experience when your computer is infected: Browser Hijacker – This infection typically causes your internet browser to behave abnormally. Symptoms my include: Changing your internet browser homepage without consent Causing your internet browser to continuously display “Page not found” Trojan – This […]

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